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Item 2021Impact of merger and acquisition on orginational performance of Nepalese Commercial Banks (with refrence to Global IME Bank & Machapuchhre Bank)(Department of Management, 2021) Bhusal, DhurbaMergers and Acquisitions is an important financial tool that enables companies to grow faster and provide returns to owners and investors. A merger is the complete absorption of one firm by another, wherein the acquiring firm retains the identity and the acquired firm ceases to exist as a separate entity. A merger is a corporate strategy usually done between two or more than two companies where acquiring firm and acquired firm stand on a merger agreement. The terms merger and consolidation have been used synonymously. However, the two have different legal identities after the merger deal. Researcher has been employed the descriptive and causal comparative research design. Descriptive research design used to identify the level of employee satisfaction position, merger and acquisitions, merger by laws, bank and financial indices. Descriptive research design attempts to obtain a complete and accurate description of a situation. The perception of the direction, magnitude and forms of observed relationship between merger and the bank performance as well as the factor affection them. Moreover, this study has also employed casual comparative research design to determine the effect of those variables in the bank performance and employee's perception towards the same. This study examines the impact of Merger and Acquisition on profitability of banks and assess the satisfaction position of employee after merger. There is satisfactory in credit to deposit ratio after merger of both banks. There is efficiently managed their assets to generate earnings when merger and acquisition of both banks. The return of asset (ROA, ROI) both banks are enabling to increase in comparison to premerger. There is fluctuation trend of net profit margin of Global IME bank but as a average there was increasing value in post-merger period and there is rapidly increase of net profit margin of Machhapuchchhre bank after merger. As merged entity reported a better financial performance in post-merger period then premerger period. In the banks there are very few employees having qualification of intermediate level, majority of the employee they are happier with their work- they happier because they have specified work place, defined work time, no pressure of manipulation, good understanding co-worker than pre- merger period. They feel competitive employee in the market and recognized as a professional on their work place. But some of the employee has inconvenience about the specified training for example: loan department employee.Item A 3-channel active electrode EEG device for the classification of motor imagery brain waves for brain computer interface(Pulchowk Campus, 2017-11) Bista, SarojThisthesisworkpresentsacosteffectivemethodtorecordbrainwavesignalsusing threechannelactiveelectrodeEEGdeviceandclassifybrainwavesrelatedtomotor imagery(MI)leftandrighthandmovement,basedonelectroencephalography(EEG) measuredfromthecentrallobe,thatcouldbeusedfortheBrainComputerInterface (BCI)systems.ThegoalofthisthesisistouseIndependentComponentAnalysis (ICA)fortheremovalofEEGartifacts,andthenextractthebrainwavesfeaturesforMI lefthandandMIrighthandmovementusingWaveletDecomposition(WD).The‘Mor- let’motherwaveletisusedforwaveletdecompositionasitshowsbetterperformance foranalysisofnon-stationarybiomedicalsignalslikeEEG.Thebrainwavefeatureslike MaximumPoweramongalldecompositionlevel(MMP),Frequencycorrespondingto MMP(MAF),andMaximumAmplitudeofthesignalwithMAF(MMA)ischosen astheclassificationfeaturesfortheclassificationofMIbrainwaves.Theclassifica-tionofMIbrainwavesignalsisdoneusingLinearDiscriminantAnalysis(LDA)which showedtheaccuracyof81.6%.Thus,thedesignedthreechannelactiveelectrodeEEG deviceusedshowedgoodperformanceforrecordingEEGsignals.Furthermore,signal preprocessingalgorithmICA,featureextractionmethodWaveletDecomposition,and classificationmethodLDAshowedgoodperformancefortheclassificationofMIleft handandMIrighthandactivities.Item 3D Object modeling by phase shifting Profilometry A performance comparison between Sinusoidal and saw-tooth fringe pattern(Pulchowk Campus, 2016-11) KC, Bikram KumarThe 3D reconstruction of rigid objects using Phase Shift Profilometry(PSP) technique is one of the cornerstones of computer vision. Intensive research have been carried out on optimizing algorithm to increase the accuracy and efficiency. Different experimental results have been presented using different fringe patterns. So, this thesis work primarily focuses on experiment to find the characteristics of fringe patterns and their effect on 3D reconstruction in identical condition. Two fringe patterns sinusoidal and saw-tooth have been taken for comparison. This thesis work presents the comparative result of 3D reconstruction in different objects. Experiment was done on two rigid objects dummy mannequin head and triangular shaped piece of wood.Item 3d printing of biodegradable poly (butylene adipate – co – terephthalate) / hydroxyapatite nanocomposites(Department of Chemestry, 2020) Acharya, ArunIn this work, the hydroxyapatite (HA) biomaterial from a bio-waste namely the buffalo bone was prepared in simple and environmentally friendly way. It was characterized by Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analyses. The average sizes of the nanoparticles were found in the range 8-41 nm as calculated by Debye-Sherrer’s formula. FTIR spectra confirmed thepresence of major functional groups (PO43- and OH-) in prepared HA samples, with small additional peaks of carbonate ion (CO32-). The SEM micrograph showed the formation of small rod-like crystals in the agglomerated particles were presented in as-dried HA powders with size ranges from 1.75 to 2.72 μm. In addition, the micrographs show morphologies for all samples with fine particles and pore size details ranges from 31.3nm to 101nm provides good agreement to be used in a biomedical application. To make the nanocomposite, HA was macroscopically uniformly distributed over poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) by solvent casting method with the help of magnetic stirrer. By using nanocomposite, the filament for 3D printer was prepared by Noztek machine. Finally, button like structure was prepared by using 3D printer and it was investigated by water adsorption, Biodegradibility and anti-microbial test. The addition of HA brought improvements in stiffness of PBAT, due to high interactions between the carbonyl groups of the polymer matrix and the hydroxyl groups of HA. As the percentage of HA in composite increased, the water absorption percentage of nano-composite also increased. Also, degradation test showed that weight loss percentage gone to decrease with increased percentage of HA in composite. Therefore, this biomaterial has great potential for applications in regenerative medicine as a support for bone growth. Keywords: Hydroxyapatite (HA), Crystallinity, Porous, 3D Printing, Solvent Casting, Biodegradability, Water Absorption, HydrophilicityItem 5G coverage planning for urban area at Kathmandu city, Nepal(IOE Pulchowk Campus, 2022-09) Sharma, NirmalaThe excitement about the 5G wireless network has passed. Mobile Network Operators (MNO) have begun rolling out 5G networks alongside 4G cellular networks in lower frequency and mid-frequency bands (i.e., 3-6 GHz) all over the world. The midfrequency band can greatly improve the performance of the current network (i.e., 50 MHz–100 MHz). All we know that the wider spectrum can be provided by the high frequency bands which is required to fulfill the greatest bitrates (20 Gb/s), lowest latencies, and constantly increasing capacity demands. The free space propagation loss rapidly increases as we move to higher frequency bands, which will reduce the individual cell site radius for the high-frequency band to 100 m from several kilometers in 4G. To offer consistent 5G coverage, the MNOs will have significant challenges in precisely planning and acquiring these enormous numbers of new cell site locations. This paper describes about the signal characteristics at 800MHz, 1800MHz for 4G and at 700MHz, 2300MHz, 2600MHz, 3500MHz for 5G and the upgradation of 4G towards 5G in the test environment. The 5G Coverage Planning with three sector cells and its SINR Mapping in advance antenna array will be performed to provide better coverage in 5G environments.Item 6 Achievement and effecting factors in learning mathematics of Musahar students(Department of Mathematics Education, 2021) Kohar, JitendraThis study entitled “Achievement and Effecting Factors in Learning Mathematics of Musahar Students” intended to find out the achievement and leading factors that effects in learning mathematics Musahar students. The main objectives of this study were to identify the achievement in mathematics of Musahar children and to identify the leading factors that effects on their mathematical achievement. Where, the study is based only on the basic level of government school and on Musahar ethnic group of Nepal. In this study, to fulfill above objective the researcher conducted achievement test with interview schedule and observation form to collect the required information. The researcher used the explanatory sequential mixed research design. Quantitative data were analyzed by the statistical tools and qualitative data were analyzed by thematic network approach of analysis. For this, researcher selected three sample schools from Rupandehi district by purposive sampling. Sixty students were selected for achievement test. Similarly mathematics teachers, head teachers, parents and students were included in interview. The researcher analyzed the collected data with the help of conceptual understanding on the basis of factors related to learning environment at home and school, pre-knowledge, interest and labor in mathematics of the students and maternal education and support. The finding of the study shows that, there is very low achievement in mathematics of Musahar students in comparison of National Assessment of Students Achievement (NASA) 2011 and 2015. From the study, it is found that there a lots of factor behind low achievement of Musahar students such as factors related to school management, factors related to students, factors related to teacher, factors related to parents and factors related to environments. Specially, in learning mathematics Musahar students have lake of fundamental concepts of mathematics, problem to transform the word problems into algebraic expression, very low knowledge in process solving skill and application of concepts, formulas in the new context. The main reasons for the above problems are the irregularity and wrong concept in schooling. From the observation of schooling records of Musahar community and from interview, it is found that the low achievement of Musahar students is their genetic factor.Item A Study on contribution of property tax to financial resource of Bharatpur municipality(2012) Bhattrai, Nawa Raj; Gopi Nath RegmiNot availableItem A case study on financial performance analysis of Fishtail hospital & research center private limited(2011) Bhattarai (Ghimire), Kavita; Surendra Bahadur BharijooItem A case study on investment policy of Everest Bank Limited(2011) Shrestha, Rama; Shankar ThapaNot availableItem A case study on the effectiveness of television advertising in Kathmandu valley (with reference to Nepal television, Kantipur television and image channel)(2011) Thakuri, Ranjeeb; Iswor Raj LohaniItem A cash management system of dairy development corporation(2011) Bhattarai, Top Prasad; Binod PandeyNot availableItem A chunk alignment model for statistical machine translation on english Nepali parallel corpus(2010) Joshi,Yoga Raj; Shashidhar Ram JoshiAvailable in fulltextItem A comparative analysis of credit management of bank of Kathmandu and Nepal Investment Bank Limited(2013) Pokharel, Dipesh; Sushil Bhakta MathemaNot availableItem A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ON STOCK PRICE BEHAVIOR OF NEPALESE COMMERCIAL BANKS(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Bishal Adhikari; Joginder GoetThe stock market in Nepal is still in its developmental stages and requires support from various stakeholders to operate efficiently. It's crucial for the government to establish and enforce effective regulations to foster the growth of the stock market. Listed companies play a vital role by adhering to these regulations, promptly disclosing financial statements, avoiding rumors, and refraining from stock price manipulation. This study aims to evaluate the behavior of share prices, particularly focusing on the weak efficient market hypothesis, and determine whether successive price changes are independent or dependent on historical price changes, with a specific emphasis on the banking sector. The primary indicator of a company's profitability from the perspective of ordinary shareholders is the earnings per share (EPS). NABIL boasts the highest EPS at RS.61.912, while Nepal Investment Bank Limited has the lowest at Rs.33.18. Higher earnings typically correlate with better performance. However, there's noticeable fluctuation in dividend per share, with SCBNL offering the highest average dividend of Rs.50.712, while HBL offers the lowest at Rs.28.424. Investors inclined towards longterm investments often favor companies with higher dividend yields. All banks demonstrate healthy and positive price-to-earnings (P/E) multiples. However, the relationship between earnings and price exhibits mixed behavior, emphasizing the need for firms to strike a balance between dividends and retained earnings. Dividend distribution plays a crucial role in achieving organizational goals and satisfying shareholders. Decisions regarding dividends are typically made by the board of directors, considering factors like the cost of paying dividends versus retaining earnings. The allocation of profits between dividend payouts and retained earnings significantly impacts the market value of shares. Therefore, it's imperative for companies to adopt a prudent policy that aligns with both shareholders' interests and corporate objectives. Keywords: Market Price Per Share, Dividend Per Share, Price Earnings Ratio, Book Value Per Share, Return on Assets And Return on EquityItem A comparative and analytical study on cash flow of Himalayan Bank and everest Bank(2011) Panth, Ram Prasad; Na Krishna BhattaraiNot availableItem A comparative capital structure analysis of HBL and NIBL(2014) Bhusal, Laxmi; Binod DhunganaNot availableItem A comparative feasibility on development of new cement industries in terai Nepal (with special reference to Parsa and Rupandehi district(2014) Thakur, Shiv Shanker; Lucky Prasad JoshiNot availableItem A comparative financial performance analysis between Himalayan Bank limited (HBL) & standard chartered Bank Nepal limited (SCBNL)(2014) Upreti, Susmita; Sushil Bhakta MathemaNot availableItem A comparative study of capital structure management of Nabil Bank Ltd. And Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.(2012) Nepal, Binaya; Shree Bhadra NeupaneNot availableItem A comparative study of capital structure management of Nabil Bank ltd. and Siddhartha Bank ltd.(2013) Dhami, Bhupendra Singh; Bishnu Hari KoiralaNot available