Browsing by Institute Name Central Department of History

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)Institute NameLevelCountry
2010Peace building and internally displaced persons in NepalPanth, MahadevCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2007Rural Tourism Potential in Nepal: A Case Study of Phewa Lake Watershed AreaTimsena, Indra PrasadCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2012अर्घाखाँची जिल्लाको कम्युनिस्ट आन्दोलन र माओवादी जनयुद्धको प्रभाव {Impact of communist movement and Maoist people's war in Arghakhanchi Districtबेलबासे Belbase, लेखनाथ LekhnathCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2019कपिलबस्तु क्षेत्रका थारु समुदायको साँस्कृतिक अध्ययन {Cultural Study of Tharu Community of Kapilbastu Region}शर्मा Sharma, रेशम ReshamCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2018जगतपाल महाविहारमा सम्पन्न गरिने पूजापद्दति तथा पर्वहरू {Worship Rituals and Festivals Performed at Jagatpal Mahabihar}महर्जन Maharjan, संजिला SanjilaCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2020टोखा स्थित चण्डेश्वरी मन्दिरको सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन {Cultural Study of Chandeshwari Temple at Tokha}के.सी. K.C., श्याममदन ShyammadanCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2022तनहुँको ऐतिहासिक अध्ययन (वि.सं. १६१०–१९०३) {A Historical Study of Tanahun (A.D. 1610-1903)}थापा (श्रेष्ठ) Thapa (Shrestha), तिलु TiluCentral Department of HistoryPh.D.-
2007तीनथाना गा.वि.स. स्थित श्री विष्णुदेवी शक्ति पीठ क्षेत्रको सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन {Tinthana VDC Cultural Study of Shri Vishnu Devi Shakti Peeth Area{पाठक (खड्का) Pathak (Khadka), सरिता SaritaCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2010नेकपा (मसाल) को सङक्षिप्त इतिहास {A Brief History of CPN (Masal).}सिंह थापा Singh Thapa, प्रकाश PrakashCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2011नेपालमा गणतन्त्र ः पृष्ठभूमि र स्थापना (वि.सं. २०५२–२०६५ सम्म) {Republic of Nepal: Background and Establishment (2052-2065)}दवाडी Dawadi, मेदनी प्रसाद Medani PrasadCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2006नेपालमा थेरवादी बुद्धधर्मको पुनर्जागरण { Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal}मानन्धर Manandhar, रवि RabiCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2006नेपालमा बुद्धधर्मको विकासक्रममा महिलाहरुको भूमिका {The Role of Women in the Development of Buddhism in Nepal}गुभाजू Gubhaju, श्रृजना ShrijanaCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2009नेवार समाजको मृत्यु संस्कार–एक अध्ययन {(Death Ritual of Newar Society–A Study)}दुवाल Duwal, लक्ष्मीनारायण LaxminarayanCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2009पाटनस्थित ज्यापु सङ्ग्राहलयकाे व्यवस्थापकीय अध्ययन {Management Study of Patan-based Jyapu Museum}महर्जन Maharjan, राामकृष्ण RamkrishnaCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2007बमविरविकटेश्वर शिवालयको सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन {Cultural of Bambirbikateswar Shibalaya Study}अधिकारी Adhikari, सम्पूर्ण SampurṇaCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2006भक्तपुरको बिभिन्न जात्रापर्वहरुमा प्रदर्शन गरिने रथ र खट्को स्थापत्यकलाः एक अध्ययन {Bhaktapurko Bibhinna jatraparwaharuma Garine Rath ra Khatko Sthapatyakala : Ek Adhyayan}लाखे Lakhe, सुरेश मान Suresh ManCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2007भक्तपुरको राष्ट्रिय कला संग्रहालयमा संग्रहित ढुङ्गाका कलावस्तुहरु ः एक अध्ययन {Stone artefacts stored at the National Art Museum in Bhaktapur: A Studyश्रेष्ठ Shrestha, अनिता AnitaCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2009यलध्वाका : पाटनढोका सेरोफेरोको सास्कृतिक तथा पुरातात्विक अध्ययन {Yaldhvaka: Cultural and Archaeological Study of Patandhoka Serofero}डंगोल Dangol, उत्तम UttamCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2009राष्ट्रिय संग्रहालयका प्रमुख प्रस्तर वैष्णव मूर्तिहरु { Major stone Vaishnava statues of the National Museum}नकर्मी Nakarmi, करुणा karunaCentral Department of HistoryMasters-
2021सनातनी हिन्दू अन्त्यष्टि संस्कार र परिमार्जनको औचित्य {Justification of Traditional Hindu Funeral Rites and Modifications}थापा Thapa, लक्ष्मण LaxmanCentral Department of HistoryMasters-