Beliefs of English Learners in Using Guidesand Guess Papers

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Department of Mathematics Education
The present study entitledBeliefs of English Learners on Using Guides andGuess Papersaimedto find out theBeliefs of English Learners on UsingGuides and Guess Paperswho are studying in grade xii.This study wascarriedout using both the primary and secondary sources of data.For the primary data,sixty English students fromgrade xii and the oneswho were writing thesiswerenonerandomly selected from the fivecolleges of Kailalidistrict.Fromeach campus, 12students of grade xii were distributed the questionnaireto getinformation. The researcher used both open-ended and close-ended types ofquestionsto elicit the required data. It wasfound that guides and guess paperswere useful especially for the students who did not take classes regularly orthose studentswho couldnot manage time for their study. Moreover,most ofthe students were found using such materialsto identify ways of starting andending of questions. But the students were not satisfied with the quality ofmaterials,i.e. typing, printing and paper quality. The students suggested theirfriends to consultguides and guess papers rather than authentic books. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapteroneconsists of generalbackground, objectives and significance of the study, delimitations of the studyand the definition of the key terms. Chaptertwo consists of review of relatedliterature, implication of reviewed literature and theoreticalframework.Chapterthree consists of research design, population and sampling procedures,toolsfor data collection, process of data collection,and analysis andinterpretation ofthedata. Chapterfour presents result and discussion. Finally,chapterfive contains summary, conclusionsand implications. Referencesandappendices areincluded at the end of this work tomake it more valid.
Belief, Guides, Guess Papers