Developing students’ writing skill through facilitation
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This present research work entitled ‘Developing Students’ Writing through
facilitation’ aimed at finding out the role of teacher as Facilitator in developing
writing of the students. For the accomplishment of the research work, the
researcher selected the forty five students of grade ten of Shree Janasewa
higher Secondary School of Kathmandu district. First of all I administered a
pre-test to get the students’ initial proficiency level and at the end of my
teaching, I administered a post- test. During the four week teaching period, I
administered two progress tests. The students’ answer sheets were analyzed to
see the improvements in their writing. By comparing the answer sheets of pre-
test and post – test, it was found that writing ability of the students was
improved after adopting the role of teacher as facilitator.
The study consists of five chapters. Chapter one deals with the introduction. It
consists of background of the study, statement of the problems, rationale of the
study, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study
delimitations of the study and operational definitions of the key terms.
Similarly, chapter two consists of the review of related literature and
conceptual framework. It deals with review of related theoretical and empirical
literature, implications of the review of the review for the study, and conceptual
framework. Likewise, chapter three presents methods and procedures of the
study. This includes design of the study, population and sample, sampling
procedure, data collection tools, and data collection procedure. In the same
way, chapter four consists of results and discussion of the data. Finally, chapter
five incorporates summary, conclusion, and implications. On the basis of
results and discussion, some important findings and Implication for the policy
level, practice level and further research have been made. This chapter is
followed by references and appendices to make the work more valid.
Developing students, Writing skill