Ideological Formation of Woman in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code

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Faculty of Art in English
Dan Brown digs deep into the history of Christianity and makes an alternative reading which brings out some heart rendering facts and truths about patriarchy and Christianity which had been hidden within history. In The Da Vinci Code, Brown shows the status of women, their role in ancient Christian society and their oppression and subjugation throughout the history of Christianity. Christianity, dominated by patriarchal ideology, has suppressed women recast their image and value of female goddesses, killed the women priestesses and scholars who were governed by free thoughts and blamed the female deities as witch who were considered to be sacred. It has manipulated the history of sacred feminine and changed the matriarchal paganism to the patriarchal Christianity. Patriarchal Christianity suppressed the women and gave them a forced identity as secondary, passive, and for it, Christianity concealed the facts and truths about women and their status in society and politicized the movement.
authenticity, Patriarchal Christianity, Religious Orthodoxy, feminines