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Title: Issues in Implementation of ICTS in English Language Teaching: A Narrative Inquiry
Authors: Dahal, Asmita
Keywords: Implementation;Language;Teaching
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Central Department of Education English
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore issues in implementation of ICT in English language teaching through narrative research design. Data collected by using two different research tools observation and semi- structured interview to get in-depth data. Data were coded thematically and analyzed descriptively and investigated that there are many ICT related issues and challenges However, several issues or challenges were identified and explored that prevent successful implementation of ICT in teaching process. These included lack of pedagogical competences by majority of teachers, lack of financial and technical support, lack of infrastructure and human resource to implement ICT in teaching, lack of motivation from administration. This study concluded that there is no magic solution to recover all the issues and challenges so to construct pedagogical reformation we need to deal all these issues as soon as possible. Specific recommendations related to policy practice and further researches are suggested based on the finding of the study. First chapter, introduction part of this study consists of background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definitions of key terms. Second chapter related literatures were reviewed thematically. ICT and language teaching, type of ICT tools, ICT in education relate policy and practice in Nepal, teachers' competences in ICT, teachers' role in the implementation of ICT, need of ICT in ELT, and issues related to ICT in ELT were discussed in this section. It also consists of empirical review, its implications for the study and conceptual framework. In the chapter three, there were discussions about methods and procedure of the study. It consists design of the study, population, sample, sampling strategies, research tools, source of data (primary and secondary), data collection procedures, data analysis procedures and ethical considerations. Fourth chapter of this study include analyzed and interpretation of the data where fifth chapter showed findings, conclusions, and recommendations relate to policy, practice and further research. References and appendices are included at the last part of this thesis.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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