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Title: Facbook and Its Usein Language Teaching and Learning
Authors: Rokaha, Surendra
Keywords: E-Mail;Blogs;E- Learning;Internet
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Faculty of Education
Abstract: The thesis entitled “Facebookand Its Usein Language Teaching and Learning”has been conducted in order to identify teachers’ and students’ perception tothe use of Facebook in ELT.Theresearch method applied in this study wasdescriptive survey method.The researcher used questionnaire and interview asthe main instruments for this study.In orderto carry out this study, twenty-fivestudents and fifteen teachers of five different higher secondary school oftheKathmandu valley were purposively sampled. The major findings of the studyarethat Facebook has become beneficial to teach and learndifferent aspects oflanguage. Facebook has been an excellent tool for interactive learningandalsohas significant role in distance teaching and learning. The whole study is incorporated in five chapters.Chapter-one is about theintroductionofthe research. It mainly deals with the background/context,statement of problems, rationale of thestudy, objectivesof the study, researchquestions, significanceof the study,delimitations of the studyand operationaldefinitions of the key terms.The second chapter deals withreview of relatedliteratureand conceptual framework which consistof review of relatedempirical literature,implication of the review for the study andconceptualframework. Chapter-three is all about the methodological part of the studywhich includes design of the study, population and sample, samplingprocedure, data collection tools, data collection procedures and date analysisand interpretation procedures.The fourth chapter is about the results anddiscussions. Finally,the fifth chapter presentssummary, conclusions andimplications of the study.Moreover, some pedagogical suggestions have beenincluded in this part.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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