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Title: Commodification of Female Body: A Study of Nepali Film Posters
Authors: Subedi, Yuba Raj
Keywords: Female Body;Nepali Film Posters
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Faculty of Arts in English
Abstract: The present study examines the question of commodification of female body in the film posters. Women in the posters have been projected into the beautiful objects producing attractions. Woman's body is divided and targeted into different parts as a consumerist tactic. In this way, film advertising depends on woman's body as a source of particularly profitable beauty industry. In addition, ideal female beauty is the indicator of film advertising as a system of capitalist society. In this social and cultural context, capitalistic and economic interest dictates women's bodies to look by creating, targeting and marketing beauty. Advertised bodies blur the boundaries between inside and outside of an image. The film posters are used to commodify female's body in order to support the commodity culture because film posters misrepresent and eroticize female's body to create an alluring image of the object to strengthen the hegemony of commodity culture in capitalism. Thus, women's bodies in the film posters are assigned as a supplement object to enhance the attraction towards the production as an exchange value.
Appears in Collections:English

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