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Title: Male Participation in Safe Motherhood in Taplejung District
Authors: Adhikari, Chandra Prasad
Keywords: Male Participation;Safe Motherhood
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Department of population studies
Institute Name: Central Department of Population Studies
Level: Masters
Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to examine the role of male during thepregnancy and delivery period and to examine the knowledge about ANC, DCand PNC in reproductive age (15-49)of women in Phulbari VDC. The studyentitled“MaleParticipation inSafeMotherhood :AStudy of Phulbari VDC,Taplejung District”has been carried out using primary sources of data obtainedfrom 160 respondents in reproductive age group of women who haveexperienced at least single delivery within five years. The quantitative method isused for data collection. There are 160 households, from each household onlyone respondent wasenumerated by usingpurposive samplingmethod. In thestudy area, there are ninewards;these nine wards in the VDC were divided intofive clusters according to human settlements. Cluster 2 and 3 were selected byusing lottery method for the study. Among the 160 target population 100respondents were included in cluster number 2 and 60 in cluster number 3. Intotal, 160households and 160 respondents were enumerated. Among the 160 respondents, 68 percent are literateand 32 percent areilliterate. Out of 160 husbands, 82 percent are literate and only 18 percent areilliterate. Out of 160 respondents 81 (51 percent) respondents have knowledgeabout safe motherhood. Among them 48 percent respondents heard aboutsafe motherhood through health workers and 37 percent through radio.  In total numbers of 160 respondents, 99 (62 percent) respondents havetaken ANC service; out of them61 percent respondents are encouragedby their husband and 39 percentby neighbors to take ANC service. Out of 160 respondents,64 percenthave delivered at home and36 percenthave delivered at health centre (Hospital, heath post, private clinic). Out of 160 respondents,77 (48 percent) respondents received postnatalcheckup.Most of them are receiving PNC service from health post andsub-health post (34 and 42 percent) respectively. Out of 160 respondents,80 (50 percent) respondents have received PNCservice within 6 weeks (42 days), most of them 56 (35 percent) havereceived 3 times PNC service. Out of the 160 respondents, 157 (98 percent) respondents havereceivedsupport from their male member of household to manage money and toconduct daily workduring thepregnancy and delivery period. Out of 157 respondents most of the 84 percent husbandswere stayed athome with their women during pregnancy and deliveryperiod.
Appears in Collections:Population Studies

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