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Title: Proficiency of Non-Native Nepali Speakersin The Use of Communicative Functions
Authors: Adhikari, Umesh
Keywords: Communicative;English language;secondary education
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Department of English Education
Institute Name: Central Department of Education
Level: Masters
Abstract: The study entitled'Proficiency ofNon-native Nepali Speakers in theUse ofCommunicativeFunctions'is an attempt to compare, analyze andfind outthe communicative proficiency of fourgroups ofnon-native Nepalispeakers,i.e. Magar, Rai, Yadav, and Shrestha who are studying in different schools ofKathmandu valley. The researcher has tried to find outtheitemwiseproficiency of the students in termsof school, genderandmothertongue. Fromthe whole study, the researcher found 48.78% proficiency of the students.Similarly, female students were better in comparison to male students. Amongall four group of non-native Nepali speakers, Rai and Yadav group of studentsshowed the best and weakest proficiency respectively. Thisthesiscomprises four chapters.Chapter one deals with the introduction,review of the related literature objectives and significant of the study. Chaptertwo introduces the methodology adapted for the study under which sources ofdata, population of the study, sample population, tools of data collection,process of data collection and limitations of the study are mentioned. In orderto carry out the research, the researcher has used two types of data collection,i.e. primary source of data collection and secondary source of data collection.The population of the study constitutes the tenth graders studying in fivedifferent schools of Kathmandu valley. To collect the data the researchervisited the selected schools and administered the questionnaire to the samplepopulation. Chapter three includes analysis and interpretation of the data inwhich the researcher has used both descriptive and analytical approaches forthe analysis and interpretation of the data. Chapter fourconsists of findings andrecommendations.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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