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Title: CaseSystem in Englishand Bajhangi
Authors: Joshi, Dev Raj
Keywords: english language;Nepali Language;comparative study;English grammar
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Central Department of Education
Institute Name: Central Department of Education
Level: Masters
Abstract: Thisthesis entitled "CaseSystem in Englishand Bajhangi" is thefirst research work on the 'Case System of Bajhangi'. This research has been conducted inorder to find out the cases in Bajhangiand to find outsimilarities anddifferences between Bajhangi and English cases. The researcher collected datafrom both primary and secondary sourcestoconduct the research. The samplepopulationwaseighty native speakers of the Bajhangi dialect,whowereselected using judgemental/ purposive sampling procedure. A questionnairewas used as atoolfordata collection.Englishcases were taken from secondarysources. The datawere analyzed, interpreted and presented descriptively byusing tables and illustrations. The major findings of this research clarify thatBajhangi has a complex case system. This researchshows that common casesin EnglishandBajhangiarenominative,objective, instrumental, locative,possessive, dative,comitative, vocative and temporal.Themain case markersinBajhangi dialectare the post-positions.Naturalforce is also taken as aninstrumentin theBajhangidialect. Bajhangi has more number of casemarkersthan English but the Bajhangi casemarkersareflexiblein nature than Englishcasemarkers. Some casemarkers in Bajhangi are overused. Thisthesis consistsof four chapters. The first chapter deals with theintroduction of the study. The introduction consists ofdefinitionsof language,importance oftheEnglish language,multilingual setting of Nepal, introductionto cases,cases in English and Nepali languages, contrastive analysis, literaturereview, objectives of the study and significance ofthe study. The secondchapter deals with the methodologywhich in turnconsists of sources of data,samplingprocedure,research tool, process of data collection and limitations ofthe study. The third chapter is the core of the thesis. It is concerned with theanalysisof thedata along with comparison of Englishand Bajhangi casesystems. The forth chapter deals with the findingsand pedagogical implicationsof thestudy. Thischapter is also followed by references and appendices
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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