Inferences in Advertising: A Case of Commercials in Print Media

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Department of Education English
This research work entitled“Inferences in Advertising: A Case ofCommercials in Print Media”has been carriedout to determine inferences inadvertising. To meet the objective of this research study, I purposivelyselected different four main print media of Nepal and RR campus. Fourdifferent print media and one campus were selected as sample for this study.Itwas found that while designing advertisementthe designer should payattentionon attractiveness of advertising, economic, impress of advertisement, targetgroup, sort of manpower, influencing of advertisement and so on. Thecollected data were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using the simplestatistical tool like percentage. The study consists of five chapters.The first chapter deals with anintroduction. This chapter consists of general background, introduction to massmedia, The rise of mass Media, development of mass media, role of massmedia, mass media and advertising on media, advertising on print media,inference, statement of problem, objectives of the study, significance of thestudy, and delimitation of the study.In the second chapter, the researcher triedto show the store house of knowledge or the theories which guidemystudy.He also presented the previous worksconductedin the department applying thetheories related to his topic. In this chapter he tried to provide authenticity tohis study by presenting theoretical literature, Empirical literature andConceptual frameworks developed by him.The third chapter deals with themethodology employed to conduct the study. It gives information about thedesign of the study, population of the study, sample size, sampling procedure,tools for data collection, procedure of data collection and mode of analysis andinterpretation. It attempts to lead the whole research study.The fourth chapterdeals with presentation, analysis and interpretation of the study. The data havebeen presentedand analyzeddescriptively.Chapterfivepresents the mainfindings of the study in points and on the basis of findings,some implicationswere presentedthere. The chapter was followed by references and appendixesto make the study reliable, valid and authentic.