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Title: Developing Writing Skills through Paraorthographic Texts
Authors: Ghimire, Samjhana
Keywords: Paraorthographic texts;Pedagogical implications;Language teaching;Language skills;Orthographic texts;Writing skills
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Department of English Education
Institute Name: Central Department of Education
Level: Masters
Abstract: The present study entitled “Developing Writing Skills through Paraorthographic Texts”is an attempt to find out the effectiveness of paraorthographic text to develop students’ writing skill. In order to carry out this study, I selected thirty students of grade nine of Rampur English Boarding Higher Secondary School, using non-random purposive sampling procedure. I used them as primary sources of data. After selecting the sample a pre-test was administered to determine the students’ initial proficiency level on the selected items. Then students were taught for twenty eight days using paraorthographic text. During that period, three progress tests were administered in the intervalof six days and at last post-test was administered. Finally, I analyzed the scores of the pre test, progress test and post test. Through the analysis and interpretation of the collected data it was found that paraorthographic texts helped in developing students’ proficiency in writing. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction of the topic in which background, statement of the problems,objectives, research questions, significance of the study, delimitation of the study and the operational definition of key terms are included. The second chapter includes the review of both theoretical and empirical literature, along with the implication of the review for the study. It also includes conceptual framework. The third chapter deals with the methods and procedures of the study. It includes research design, population and sample,sampling procedure,data collection tools, data collection procedure and data interpretation procedures. The fourth chapter includes analysis and interpretation of the data and the summary of the findings. Then, the fifth chapter presents the conclusion of the study and recommendations. Moreover, it also suggests some pedagogical implications based on policy level, practice level and further study.This chapter is followed by references and appendices used for the study.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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