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Title: Teachers' Perspective on and Practice of Maxim of Planning and Other Activities
Authors: Paudel, Thakur
Keywords: Language teaching;Teacher development
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Department of English Education
Institute Name: Central Department of Education
Level: Masters
Abstract: The thesis entitled "Teachers' Perspective on and Practice of Maxim of Planning and Other Activities" was an attempts to find out the teachers' perception towards the maxim of planning. Moreover, this study was an attempt to find out the practices of planning in the language classroom, as well as, classroom behavior or culture of teaching which is the reflection of their belief system and maxim. This study was mainly conducted considering the fact that it works as a milestone in the field of teacher development of ELT and helps English language teachers to make their teaching learning activities orderly, organized, interactive, authentic, lively and effective in the language classroom. Similarly, this study was conducted to find out whether the English language teachers of Gulmi district prefer the maxim of planning in their classroom, or not.To meet the objective of this research, 10 teachers teaching in 10 different community based schools of Gulmi district were randomly selected fordata. They were interviewed and 4 classes of each teacher were observed. This research concludes that most of the teachers of community based schools of Gulmi district are not in favour of maxim of planning.Only few of them believe in maxim of planning. In my class observation, most of the teachers were found following the maxim of order rather than following maxim of planning.They make plan only about how they can finish the course as fast as possible. This thesis consists of five chapters: the first chapter is introductory in nature. It includes background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,delimitations of the study and operational definition of key terms. The second chapter deals with the review of theoretical literature, review of empirical literature,implications of the review for the study and theoretical or conceptual framework.Similarly, the third chapter deals with the design and method of the study, population sample and sampling strategy, study area, field, data collection tools and techniques,data collection procedures and data analysis and interpretation procedure. After that,the fourth chapter deals with analysis of data and interpretation of the results and summary of findings. The last chapter deals with conclusions and recommendations with in a policy related, practice related and further research related, followed by references and appendices.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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