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Title: Compatibility between Setting and Meaning: A Study of Anton Chekhov’s The Three Sisters
Authors: Chaudhary, Laxmi Kumari
Keywords: Realism
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Central Department of English
Abstract: he present study focuses on the compatibility between setting and meaning in Anton Chekhov’sThe Three Sisters. The changes in setting of house to backyard transform the shape of real life of the early twentiethcentury and the then Russian people in new form of reality. Realism changes on different setting that opines different meaning. The old setting disappears slowly and gradually with changes in the setting. All the characters accept the changes reality of life. Despite of hovering in dream world they locate lives in reality. The transformation of setting brings crisis.The feudal characters fail to save old rituals. The middle class members placeoldreality with new. The vision of reality changes in the characters’ life. They make themselves able to live on reality with experiencing new environment.
Appears in Collections:English

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