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Title: An Analysis of Content Validity of The M.Ed. Course 'Sociolinguistics'
Authors: Bhandari, Jyoti
Keywords: Content validity;Annual examination;Sociolinguistics
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Faculty of English Education
Abstract: This thesis entitled "An Analysis of Content Validity of the M.Ed. Course Sociolinguistics" attempts to determine the content validity of the annual examination papers of Sociolinguistics Eng.Ed.518. The main objective of this research study was to examine the content validity of the annual examination papers of M.Ed. First Year's course (Sociolinguistics Eng.Ed.518) in terms of content coverage and content weightage. In order to fulfill this purpose, the researcher analyzed the question papers of the year 2066 and 2067 (I) and (II).Only the secondary sources of data were used for this purpose. The question papers were compared and analyzed with course contents in terms of content coverage and weightage. The research findings indicate that the exam paper of Sociolinguistics Eng.Ed.518 have good content validity in terms of content coverage but low content validity in terms of content weightage. The study consists of four chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction which consists of general background, review of related literature, objectives of the study and significance of the study. The Second chapter is related to the methodology which consists of sources of data, process of data collection and limitations of the study. The third chapter consists of analysis and interpretation of the data. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted in terms of content coverage and weightage. The last chapter deals with the findings and recommendations of the study. The findings have been made on the basis of the analysis and interpretation of data. And, on the basis of these findings, some recommendations have been made.
Appears in Collections:English

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