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Title: Teachingenglishalphabettothebeginnersusingpicturesand Traditionalmethod
Authors: Neupane, Tolakant
Keywords: English alphabet;Teaching methods
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Faculty of Education
Institute Name: Prithivi Narayan Campus, Pokhara
Level: Masters
Abstract: The main objective of this study was to compare the picture and traditionalteaching method of teaching alphabet. For that, Shree Shitaladevi CommunitySecondary English Medium School, Shitaladevi, Pokhara-12 was selectedwhere picture method is launched to teachEnglish Alphabet tothechildren ofNursery class. Forty students of Nursery were the primary source.The maintoolsof datacollectionfor thestudy were the test items. At first, a pre-test wasadministered. Then the students were divided into two groups as control group(A) and experimental group (B) by lucky draw system and some of the studentswere exchanged to maintain balanceinthe average obtained marks. Both of thegroups were taught the last five letters of English alphabet separately. Controlgroup was taught without using picture stamps but experimental group wastaught using picture stamps. Equal time was given to both groups. After 15days the post-test was administered to test their proficiency. The obtained datawere compared and analyzed. The researcher alsonotedthe remarks of theteachers.The studyshowed thatthe picture stamps have the high positive effectin teaching alphabet to the beginners since the students of experimental grouphad performed better in their post-test. This thesis comprisesoffour chapters.Chapter onedeals with introduction ofalphabet, how to learn and teach alphabet, the short history of teaching theEnglish language in Nepal. It also includes the review of the related literature,objectives of the study and significance of the study.Chaptertwodeals withthe sources of data, population of the study and sampling procedure, process ofdata collection, and limitations of the study.The third chapteris devoted to theinterpretation and analysis of the data collected. To analyze the data, scoresweretabulated and the difference between pre-test and post-test was calculatedin terms of average scores and percentage. The group which had higherprogress rate was regarded as better group.Finally,chapterfourdeals with thefindings and recommendations of the study.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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