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Title: Sustainable Land Management in Asia: Introducing the Landscape Approach
Authors: ADB; Critchley, William; Radstake, Frank
Issue Date: Feb-2017
Description: Sustainable land management practices can be enhanced by reconciling environmental and development objectives while incorporating climate resilience. The Asian Development Bank has introduced significant changes in the way farmers and other stakeholders view and benefit from evolving approaches to sustainable land management (SLM) practices. Firmly embedded in SLM are the management and climate resilience of natural resources, which can be enhanced and scaled up by adopting a “landscape approach.” This publication sets out how the landscape approach can contribute to overcoming major environmental and developmental challenges—focusing on rural areas of Asia and by examining prevalent forms of SLM (namely participatory forest management, terraces, conservation agriculture, and home gardens). This publication seeks to strengthen awareness of the landscape approach and facilitate the integration of its key elements into cooperation programs with its developing members.
ISBN: 9789292577377
Country: China
People's Republic of
Appears in Collections:ADB Collections

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