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Title: Impacts of Drug Use on The Socio-Economic Status of Drug Users in Kathmandu Valley
Authors: Pun, Tek Mati
Keywords: socio-economics;sociology
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Department of Humanities and Sociology/ Anthropology Prithvi Narayan Campus Pokhara
Institute Name: Prithivi Narayan Campus, Pokhara
Level: Masters
Abstract: The study, which is exploratory and descriptive in nature, is aimed at determining the impacts of drug use on the socio-economic status of the drug users, addictive behaviors of drug users, family members and social members’ attitude and behaviors towards drug users, relationship with their parents and social members and drug use related socio-economic problems. In order to fulfill its objectives, 90 drug users were interviewed to collect information. In this study, the majority of DUs were found to be unmarried and belong to Chhetri and Newar community. Drug use is primarily prevalent among the Hindus religion and majority of DUs were unemployed and student. The majority of DUs’ age range of 15 to 30 years and many DUs are found to be marijuana and Brown sugar users. The modes of drug use were varied among drug users. Peer/friends are being one of the main sources inspiring them toward drug addiction. Majority of DUs had no previous knowledge about drugs; they have taken it owing to curiosity and for enjoyment. All the DUs were from all types of family background. Most of their parents were employed in job and business. Nevertheless, high percent of the DUs who do not receive money from their parents, are not only they involved in stealing money and household expensive things but also involved in many drug related criminalities for drug administration and to maintain their lifestyle. The high proportion of DUs had quarreled/fought with their family and social members due to their addictive behavior. It seemed that there is no good relation with them. Because of their unsafe drug using behavior and sexual contact they had infected by HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis 'C', Hepatitis 'B', sexual transmitted disease and other viral diseases. Due to their addictive behaviors, they had faced many socio-economic problems and physical problems in their life. That is why, drug users are found to be inferior in their status in the society. Drug experience is found enjoyable during the drug sessions but creates various physical, mental and socio-economic stresses in future. Possible courses of action have also been suggested.
Appears in Collections:Sociology

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