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Title: Reviving Tourism amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Helble, Matthias; Fink, Anna
Issue Date: Sep-2020
Description: This brief explores how governments could help revitalize the important tourism sector in Asia and the Pacific amid the challenges of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The brief analyzes options for phased tourism recovery plans: first promoting domestic tourism and then negotiating travel bubbles as stepping stones to a fully open regime. Bilateral travel bubbles with preferred partners could be expanded into subregional arrangements. The analysis shows that in about half of the economies in the region domestic tourists could replace a considerable portion of international visitors. Greater regional cooperation could help promote tourism in a harmonized way.
ISBN: 9789292623531
ISSN: 2071-7202
Country: Regional - Asia and the Pacific
Appears in Collections:ADB Collections

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