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Title: Cases in English and Tamang
Authors: Bamjan, Labha Bikram
Keywords: Linguistic Scenario;Language
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Faculty of Education
Institute Name: Central Department of Education
Level: Masters
Abstract: The researcher in his thesis entitled“Cases in English and Tamang”triestoidentify cases in Tamang, and compare and contrast those with theseof English.The researcher collected data from eighty Tamang native speakers of two VDCs:Gairimudi and Mirge of Dolakha district for eastern dialect of Tamang. Theresearcher used the secondary sources for the data of English cases.The casesidentified in Tamang are ergative, absolutive, instrumental, genitive, comitative,locative, dative, and vocative. The comparison showsthatcase system in Tamangis more complicated than that of English. This thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter deals with generalbackgroundofthe languagesofNepal, introduction totheTamang language,importance of CAin language teaching, basic concepts of case grammar, casemarking system, cases in the English language, review of the relatedliterature,objectives of the study, significance of the study and definition of the specificterms. Thesecond chapter is related tothe methodology applied to carry out theresearch, it deals withthe sources of data, sampling procedure, tools for datacollection, processes of data collection, and limitations of thestudy. The thirdchapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the data. The researcher hasused descriptive study tocompareand contrast the Tamang and English cases withexamples. The fourth chapter deals with the findings and recommendations. Onthe basis of the findings some recommendations have been made for pedagogicalimplications.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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