Complex Predicates in Maithili

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Department of Linguistics
This study is an attempt to analyze the complex predicates in the Maithili language within the framework of Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG). Maithili exhibits different types of complex predicates. They are causativization, compound verb, permissive construction, and conjunct verb. They are complex predicates in the sense that they either affect a-structure or s-structure or f-structure of the simple predicate. The study has been organized into four chapters. Chapter one deals with the background, objectives, review of literature and other research preliminaries. Lexical Functional Grammar as a conceptual framework is discussed in the second one. The third one presents complex predicates and their various types in the Maithili language. In chapter four, the findings of the study have been summarized and concluded. Causative complex predicate takes place in morphology because a causative morpheme is concatenated in the verbal stem. Other types of complex predicates are syntactic because they are formed in syntax. The complex predicates in compound verb, permissive construction, and conjunct verb are composed of two lexical units in which the former is a verb (in case of compound verb)/noun/adjective/adverb (in case of conjunct verb) and the latter is a verb. The former is called the host and the latter is called the light verb. The former determines the semantic burden whereas the latter determines the grammatical functions.
Maithili language, Complex predicates