Study on Prevalence of Common Types of Vaginitis (Candidiasis, Trichomoniasis and Bacterial Vaginosis) Among the Pregnant Women Visiting Thapathali Maternity Hospital, Kathmandu

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Department of Microbiology
This study was conducted to find out the prevalence of common types of vaginitis among the pregnant women visiting Thapathali Maternity Hospital, Thapathali, Kathmandu. The laboratory work was processed at clinical pathology laboratory of Thapathali Maternity Hospital. The high vaginal swabs were collected by the expert nurses, metron and health workers from the pregnant women visiting Thapathali Maternity hospital during 14 vi th Jestha to 14 th Aswin, 2063. Among 200 pregnant women visiting Thapathali Maternity Hospital, 78 (39%) had vaginitis. Ofthe positive result of vaginitis, 29.48% had can didiasis, 52.56% had bacterial vaginosis (BV)and 1.28% had trichomoniasis, showing BV themost prevalent. Of total positive cases, 83.3%were monomicrobial infection and 16.7%had polymicrobial infection.Among Indo-Aryans,40.2% were found infected whereas among Tibeto-Burmans,only 37.8% were found infected.The positive infection rate for the patients fromrural area was 45.2% and urban area was 37.3%. In the study,the pregnant women of age group 20 to 29 years were found most infected (41.8%)and least infected group was ofage group40 and more than 40 years (20.0%)respectively.The infection rate was highest among illiterate women(47.6%)and least among the women having education higher than SLC(23.0%). The rate of infection was highest for the pregnant women who were included in agricultural based occupation(48.8%) and least for the housewife (34.8%). Among women having discharge, 54.5% had vaginal infection whereas only 15.2% of pregnant women having no discharge were found infected.The rate of infection was highest among the women having 3rdpregnancy (52.6%) and lowest for 1st pregnancy (35.1%). The rate of infection was 34.4% and 54.3% among asymptomatic and symptomatic cases of pregnant women respectively.Among the asymptomatic cases, BV was the most prevalent(44.9%) and among the symptomatic cases of pregnant women can didiasis was the prevalent(14.1%). Key words:vaginitis, pregnant women, hospital, Kathmandu