An Analysis on Building Energy Consumption by Using Simulation Tool: A Case Study of Existing Office Building in Kathmandu Valley
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I.O.E. Pulchowk Campus
Concerns about climate change are driving an increase in the demand for energy conservation. Buildings are large energy consumers in all countries, thus studying the impact of climate change on building energy performance is important. Building energy simulation software is a useful tool in this regard. A suitable set of typical weather files plays an important role in the success of building energy simulation. The objective of this research is to evaluate the impact of climate change on energy consumption mainly due to atmospheric temperature change in the future. This study reports the work of developing a set of weather data files for Kathmandu, taking into the effects of future climate change. An existing Typical meteorological year (TMY) weather file of period 1973-1996 composed of weather data by the SWERA project was assumed as the baseline climate in this study. The monthly average temperature for future periods was predicted by SDSM (statistical downscaling model) under different emission scenarios, was further downscaled to hourly temperature data using the downscaling method, morphing.
Concerns about climate change are driving an increase in the demand for energy conservation. Buildings are large energy consumers in all countries, thus studying the impact of climate change on building energy performance is important.
simulation, Building, energy consumption,