Analytical Evaluation of Round Robin Algorithm to Find the Optimal Quantum Size
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Department of Computer Science and Information Technology
There are a number of scheduling algorithms used in computer systems today. They all
have their own characteristics. Thus selection of the particular scheduling algorithm
depends upon the need of the system. One of the most widely used scheduling algorithms
in multi programming operating system is round robin. Primitive round robin scheduling
algorithm is simply first-come first-served with preemption included. But, now a days,
several variations exist for round robin scheduling algorithm.
In this dissertation, as the title “An analytical evaluation of round robin scheduling
algorithm to find the optimal quantum size” suggests, I am going to analyze the round
robin scheduling algorithm. There exists different performance criteria to find the
optimality of the quantum size but, here, I chose three of them, namely, processor
utilization, turnaround time, and waiting time of the processes.
To analyze the round robin algorithm, I simply implemented a simulation of an operating
system which we call here a multi programming operating system [1]. Different programs
are designed for the analysis purpose which we call here the workload. With the help of
simulator and the workload, I analyzed the different performance criteria for different
quantum sizes and, came to the conclusion for this dissertation work.
Analytical evaluation, Algorithm, computer systems