Corelation of Secondary Infection with Peripheral Level T Lymphocyte with Cd4 Marker (Cd4) Count in Hiv/Aids Patients

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Department of Microbiology
This study was conducted in order to determine the local isolate infecting PLWHA withdifferent level of peripheral T-cell with CD4 marker concentration and to correlatethem. For this purpose, 21 individual participated from Maiti Nepal’sclinic. Out of 126samples from 5 different regions of 21 patients 71 were positive for different organismsincluding virus.Total patients were classified into three categories according to their level of CD4 cellcount expressed in cells per mm 3 . The first category which comprises those individualwith CD4 cell countabove 500includes 33.33% of total population, followed by secondcategory where CD4 cell count is between 500-200 includes 57.17% of total population,and the third category where CD4 cell count is below 200 comprises 9.53% of totalpopulation.56.34% of total positive samples were from second category, 35.21% from first, and8.45% from third. In third category, 66.67% of the group populations were positive fordifferent organisms, 59.52% were positive from first category, and from secondcategory only56.34% were positive.Death of subjects occurs during the study periodswhich reduce the total populationby 3.17%.Most of the infected individualsfrom allcategories were suffering from multiple infections.From total positive samples, 84.51%were bacterial infection, 9.86% were infection due to protozoa, 4.23% were fungiinfection, and 1.41% was viral infection.Entamoeba histolytica,Candia albicans,Nocardiasps.andHepatitis Bviruswere onlyisolated from the population of 1 st category.Campylobacterjejuni,Giardia lambia, andSalmonella paratyphioccurred insecond category only.None of the isolates were onlypresent in third category. The most predominant isolates as a whole wereStaphylococcus aureus 12.67% and Streptococcus pneumoniae 12.67% of the totalorganism isolated. Salmonella paratyphi,Entamoeba histolytica,Nocardia sps. andHepatitis Bvirus were the least occurred organism comprising 1.40% each of the totalpopulation.It was found that the secondary infection occurred during HIV infection was due toopportunistic organismsandmost of the patients sufferduring thetime when their CD4cell count drop down to below 500 cellsper mm 3 . People who died due to HIV/AIDSfound to besufferedfrom multiple infections.