Comparative Antibiogram Typing of Gramnegative Isolates from Hospital Environment and Clinical Samples

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Department of Microbiology
Cross infection through hospital environment has been major challenge to controlnosocomial infection. This has been worse with the emergence of multidrug resistantstrains. The present study was conducted to correlate gram negative bacteria in hospitalenvironment and clinical samples, to understand possibility of nosocomial infection. The study was conducted for a period of six months during which gram negative isolatesfrom 269 samples of hospital environment (air sample, surface swab and hand swab fromhealthcare workers) and 1110 clinical samples (urine, blood, pus, catheter tips, sputum etc)were identified by conventional microbiological method and antibiogram was performed byKirby-Bauer disc diffusion method andNCCLSguidelines.Bacterial isolates obtainedfrombothsamples were tested for their relatednessbased on their resistivity pattern amongthe tested antibiotics. Of the total environmental samples212samples were found to be positive and total of 183gram negative isolates were obtained and of the total clinical samples(1110)159 isolateswere obtained. Of the total gram negative isolates 84.2% (154/183)Acinetobacter spp.,8.2% (15/183) E. coli,7.7% (14/183)Klebsiella spp. was isolated from environmentalsample. And 3.1% (5/160)Acinetobacter spp., 67.5% (108/160) E. coli, 8.8% (14/160)Klebsiellaspp.was isolated fromclinicalsamples. Analysis ofMDRisolatesrevealed 70.8% (109/154)Acinetobacterspp.and80.0% (4/5)inclinical isolates were found to be MDR. Similarly86.6% (13/15)E. coli isolates isolatedfrom environment sample and61.1% (66/108)clinical isolates were found to be MDR. Incase of Klebsiella spp.100%(14/14)environmental isolates and42.9 %(6/14)clinicalisolates were found to be MDR. Antibiotyping showed single antibiogram type wasidentical in both the sample type in case of Acinetobacterspp. and Klebsiella spp. whilesuchcorrelation wasnot establishedamongthe isolates ofE. coliin both sample types. Keywords:-Environment, clinical, gram negative, MDR,antibiogram typing, antibiogram type