A Comparative Study of Different Diagnostic Methods for My Cobacterium Tuberculosis in Suspected Patients Visiting National Tuberculosis Centre,Thimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal

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Department of Microbiology
This study was conducted in 250 symptomatic patients of pulmonary tuberculosis,attendingNational Tuberculosis Center (NTC), Thimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal during 29 June 2005 to 29 th December2005 using different diagnostic methods. In this present comparative study,all 250x3sputum samples, three sputum samplesfrom each patient wereexamined byAuramine fluorochrome stain. In this study thesamples were divided in to two groups, A (n=150) one from each patient showedtubercle bacilli in Auramine fluorochrome microscopy and B (n=100) one from eachpatient showed no tubercle bacilli in Auraminefluorochrome microscopy. In study group A, Out of 150 sputum smear positive by Auramine fluorochromemicroscopyonly 134 patients were sputum smear positive in Ziehl-Neelsen microscopyand 136 were culture positive, where all the cases of sputum smear positive byAuraminefluorochrome microscopywere x-ray positive. In study group B, out of 100 sputum smear negative by Auramine fluorochromemicroscopy, 24 cases showed evidence of x-ray positive, 14 cases showed culturepositiveand all casesshowednegativeinZ-Nstain. The evidence of TBwas found to be higher in male than female. On the basis of culturetubercle bacilli isolates were more frequently encountered in male i.e.111(82%) thanfemale25 (18%)which is statistically significant ( x 2 =54.38). Middle age group (20-50years) patients were found to be more susceptible to TB followed by younger age group. th