Measuring, Monitoring, and Operationalizing Quality of Growth—Implications for the People’s Republic of China

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This publication uses the Inclusive Green Growth Index developed by the Asian Development Bank to measure the People’s Republic of China’s quality of growth which is strong, shared, and sustainable. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has experienced strong and robust economic performance over the past few decades. Between 1980 and 2016, its annual growth averaged 9.7% for gross domestic product (GDP) and 8.6% for per capita income. However, this rapid growth has not always translated into expansion in social welfare, and has created challenges in the environmental dimension as well. Inequality remains a significant challenge as some social groups, and people in rural areas and lagging provinces, have not benefited as much from the growth process. Moreover, being the world’s largest energy consumer with a coal-dominant energy mix, and as the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter, the PRC is estimated to suffer pollution damage of around 6%–9% of GDP. In addition, climate change poses a serious threat to the ecological environment.