Assessing Financial Protection against Disasters: A Guidance Note on Conducting a Disaster Risk Finance Diagnostic

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The findings of this guidance note can feed into developing disaster risk finance strategies, which set out policy priorities aimed at meeting post-disaster financing needs. Disaster risk finance aims to improve the ability of governments to clarify and meet obligations arising from shocks caused by disasters while minimizing threats to development progress and fiscal stability. Increasingly, governments seek to meet this objective and manage the financial impact of disasters triggered by natural hazards in a comprehensive and strategic way. The purpose of this note is to help development practitioners gather relevant information, conduct analysis, and present both in a standardized diagnostic framework. In addition to the guidance note itself, this document comprises a questionnaire to help practitioners gather key information for a diagnostic (annex I) and a suggested outline for a country diagnostic (annex II). The overall framework that underlies the proposed diagnostics is widely applicable, as are the questions practitioners should seek to answer at the beginning of an engagement on disaster risk finance. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank jointly published this guidance note.