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Title: Pronunciation Ability of Secondary Level Students in Rukum District
Authors: Rana, Yadu
Keywords: Communicative function;Pronunciation ability
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Faculty of Education
Institute Name: Surkhet Campus, Birendranagar
Level: Masters
Abstract: The present thesis entitled"Pronunciation Ability of Secondary Level Students in Rukum District" is an attempt to study pronunciation performance of the ninth &tenth graders in Rukum district. The main objective of the study was to find out the pronunciation ability of the secondary level students in Rukum district. For this study, eight schools and eighty students were selected as sample size. Samples were selected using the simple random sampling method. A tape recorder and sentence lists were used as research tools to collect data. The vocabularies, used in the sentence lists, were related to the parts of speech and morphemes such as-'ed',-'s/es',-'ly' etc. which were extracted from the textbook of the ninth and tenth grades. In a collection of data, different pronunciations uttered by the students were dubbed in the blank cassettes and transcribed later. Then, transcribed sheets were compared with standard pronunciation sheet and given marks. Magar students were found better than others and girls were found weaker than boys. Overall pronunciation ability was found 37.5%percent. The study is divided into four chapters. Chapter one deals with the general introduction, ELT in Nepal, language aspects, pronunciation and spelling,vocabulary, grammar, communicative function, review of related literature, objective of the study, significance of the study and definition of the terms. Chapter two adopts the methodology under which there are the sources of data collection, sample size and sampling procedure,tools and process of data collection and limitation of the study. Similarly, fourth chapter deals with the findings and recommendations for the improvement in teaching ELT in the secondary schools in Rukum district as well.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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