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Title: A Gradual Structural Shift in Limbu Folktales
Authors: Tumbapo, Ratna Bdr.
Keywords: Limbu folktales;Narrative Structure
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Department of English
Institute Name: Central Department of English
Level: Masters
Abstract: Folktales are the oldest form of literature as old as the human civilization. Passing the tales in the oral form to the posterity of Limbu generation causes the twist in the theme as well as structure of the stories. Folktales are in oral or half written forms. These folktales are transferred from one generation to another, from senior family members to juniors, parents to children etc.. Being dynamic in nature, the morphology cannot remain same in all the time in the folktales. It changes continuously according to the time and place. Different narrators narrate according to their own understanding and style. In this way, Limbu folktales have at least two versions
Appears in Collections:English

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