Major English Students' Perceptions towards the Use of Google in Their Study

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Department of English Education
Thestudy entitledMajor English Students' Perceptions towards the Use of Googleintheir Studyintends to find out the Major English students' perceptions towards theuse of Google in their study and explores the importance of Google for searchingsupplementary materials relevant to their study. To address the objectives of thestudy, 30students were selected as a sample by using non random purposive samplingprocedure from the Department of English Education, University Campus, T.U.Kirtipur, Kathmandu. I used survey research design and formulated a set ofquestionnaire consisting of 25close-ended and 8 open-ended questions in order tocollect the required information. The data collected from the informants wereanalyzed and interpretedusing simple statistical tools like table and percentage.Themajor findings of the study showed thatallthe respondents had very positive attitudetowards the use of Google and they use it in their study. The majority of therespondents agreed that the Google is helpful for them to find out the varioussupplementary materials relevant to their study. Itnot only helps them to get thematerials of their necessity but also promotes to be an autonomous learner. This study comprises five chapters. The first chapter presents thebackground of thestudy, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions,significance of the study, delimitationsof the study and operational definition of thekey terms. The second chapter consists of the review of related theoretical literatures,review of empirical literatures, implications of the study andconceptual framework.In the same way, chapter three includes design of the study, population, sample andsampling strategy, research tools, sources of data, data collection procedures, dataanalysis proceduresand ethical considerations. The fourth chapter is about analysis ofdata and interpretation of result.The analysis of students' responses has been doneunder various suitable and inclusive themes. The final chapter deals with findings,conclusion and recommendations which are summed up from the analysis andinterpretation of the collected data for the purpose of research.The references andappendices have been included in the last part of the thesis.