Determinant factors of Low Achievement in Mathematics At Secondary Level

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Department of Mathematics Education
This is the survey research related to find the determinant factors of low achievement in mathematics at secondary level. The main objective of this study was to identify determinant factors responsible for low achievement in mathematics at secondary level and to find the strategies by school mathematics teacher to improve achievement in mathematics. This survey was done at secondary level mathematics achievement in five schools of Rupandehi district. This study also focused on inside school factors and out of school factors which are responsible for low achievement in mathematics. Stratified random selection of secondary schools with sample size 200 students and 5 secondary level mathematics teachers and 5 head teachers were selected to participate in this study. Two research instruments semi structured questionnaire for the students and interview schedule for the teachers and parents were the major tools for this study. To identify factors 200 items in questionnaire were used. The achievement score were obtained by schools sources then the score were judged and statistically analyzed in order to find out the determinant factors for low achievement in mathematics. After collecting the data from survey the data were analyzed using average value which is directly and indirectly related to the school and out of school factors. Finding showed the students had various kinds of determinant in learning mathematics. In this research it was found that teaching learning process, time variable, family background and school environment were more responsible than other variable. The research finding brought some meaning implications to the teaching and learning of mathematics at secondary level.