Students' Perception on the Use of ICT in Teaching Mathematics

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Faculty of Mathematics
The study has been carried out to find the "students' perceptions on the use of ICT in teaching mathematics". The main objective of this study was to explore the perception of students toward mathematics teaching with the use of ICT. To fulfill the objectives of the study, I had developed the conceptual understanding frameworks. I generate a research question to identify the perception of students towards the use of ICT in mathematics. This is a qualitative study. So, the study conducted qualitative design as well as an interpretive research paradigm. Three schools were chosen purposively for the research of Basic Level including two private and one government school. Tools of the data collection were used as interview, observation, and note pad. For the finalizing process, the study has been organized into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the Introduction which covers background, significance, objectives, limitations and definition of the terms of the study. The second chapter is Review of Literature conducted in this area. The third chapter deals with the Methodology. The fourth chapter deals the Analysis and Interpretation of data results. The final chapter includes Reflections, Discussions and Conclusions. The major finding of this research is after the use of ICT in mathematics classroom the students felt mathematics like as other subjects. Before using ICT, the perception towards mathematics was boring and the most difficult subject and the students couldn’t concentrate well in the class. But after using ICT, students' perception towards mathematics is changed.