Two-state Solution Between Israel And Palestine: Viable or Obsolete Idea

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Department Of International Relation & Diplomacy
Two-state solution between Israel and Palestine has been one of the most contested and old issue continuing since the mid of 20th century and is debated among international communities. The existence of this unsettled matter in the Arab region has tremendously changed the dynamics of power relation, peace and stability in the Middle East, differences between religions and multiple aspects that have changed life of many people since decades. The Balfour declaration of settlement of Jews; UN Mandate of partition, Arab Israeli war of 1948 causing displacement of 750,000 Palestinians and division of territory into the State of Israel; the West Bank and the Gaza strip; war of 1967 with territorial gain for Israel over the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip from Egypt; the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria; Camp-David accord of 1979 between Israel and Egypt, first intifada of Palestinian in 1987, Oslo Accord of 1993 and 1995, second intifada from 2000-2005, US attempt to revive peace process in 2013, hostility of Fatah and Hamas with Israel, decision of Trump administration to relocate embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem were the major stances to be looked upon for Israel- Palestine relation. In this context, the course for two-state solution with enduring peace is definitely not an easy task with multiple actors involved with numerous interests. Despite this fact, the efforts manifested by both parties’ time and again in the lane of history sprout the seeds of solution where two-states with enduring peace might seem possible despite the odds. In this regard, this study attempts to check the viability of the possibility of two-state solution and the complexity that arises to make this idea obscure.