Youth Empowerment Through Sport: A case study of Shree Rameshwori Secondary School, Majheripatan Pokhara Lekhnath-14

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Department of Sociology
This Thesis entitled ‘Youth empowerment through sports ‘A case study of Shree Rameshwori Secondary,Majheripatan Pokhara-14 Nepal.This programs importance was established as no study referring to the empowerment of youth through sport in Nepal could be found, and the researcher had a vested interest due to the work she is undertaking in empowering youth through sport in various districts in Nepal. Howaresports based programs developed? Do they help to increase the confidence level of students? How do these programs help youths to be empowered, and improve their social skill.These are the main questions and interest of the study. The objectives of the study is to gather information about sports based training in Pokhara. However, the specific objectives of the study are: * To identify the process of Empowerment through sports  To analyze the relation between health, education and sports. The research work was carried out in a particular area therefore generalization of allprojects in Nepal cannot be made from this study. Due to the limited nature of the research a limited sample size in the Pokhara area was selected. The study focused on Shree Remeshwori Secondary School in Majheripatan Pokhara Lekhnath metropolitan city - 14, Kaski., In this school, 104 students were selected to take the empowerment training from EWN but only 92 respondents were available, when the interview schedule was fixed. Without youth development we cannot develop our society, empowerment training provides different skills to develop youth behavior.A purposive sampling method was applied to achieve the objectives.The data was collected form primary and secondary sources. The primary data was collected through interview, case study, and key informer. Secondary data were collected from articles, journals, books and the internet. The findings of the study shows that the empowerment training significantly increases self confidence, increases good relations with individuals peer group, improves teamwork, increases knowledge and understanding about health and hygiene. The findings in this study indicate that sport programs are perceived as contributing to personal development of youth groups. It shows that the empowerment sport based training is running effectively in school.Data analysis has been carried out and presented in the relevant section in the form of tables, charts, pie charts, and percentages.