Students' Perceptions on the Course Foundations of Language and Linguistics

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Department of English Education
The present research study entitled“Students’ Perceptions on the Course Foundation of Language and Linguistics”aims to explore the views of students about the course: ‘Foundations of Language and Linguistics’ prescribed for the first year Bachelor of Education. I have analyzed the course on the basis of strengths and weaknesses as pointed by the students. To meet the objectives of this research,I selected forty students from five different colleges of Syangja district,who have studied this course. I used purposive non-random sampling procedure to select the sample population. The responses they provided were used as the primary sources of data. The finding of the research is that most of the students have the positive perception on the course ‘Foundations of Language and Linguistics’. They argue that the contents which are in the course are really helpful and beneficial for the students of language. This thesis has been organized into four chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction, review of the related literature, objectives,and significance of the study. The second chapter includes methodology adopted to bring out this research work. While carrying out this work, the data was collected from both sources viz.primary and secondary where students remained as the primary source.The third chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the course: Foundations of Language and linguistics. In this chapter, primarily students’ perceptions were presented. The fourth chapter includes findings and recommendations made upon the analysis and interpretations of the data.