An Analysis of Student’s Error in Solving Verbal Problems

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Department of Mathematics Education
A propose of this study was to study the patterns of errors committed by the grade X students on solving verbal problems in simultaneous linear equations. The objectives of this study were to analyze the errors on the basis of a recognized theoretical base and to recommend some remedial measures to minimize such errors in simultaneous linear equations. The sample in this study consisted of one hundred twenty-eight students.Mahankaleshwori HSS, Dhunibeshi English Boarding HSS and Bhuwaneshowri Secondary Schools were taken as a sample schools. This research was in survey in nature. This study was based on descriptive research design. Newman and Clements technique of error analysis were adopted as the theoretical base of this study. A test consisting of eight verbal problems from grade X Compulsory Mathematics were administered to the sample students to collect the required data. The collected answer sheets of the students were checked and errors on those were identified on the basis of Newman error analysis hierarchy. An interview with fifty students was taken to verify and explain the errors identified in the answer sheets and analyzed more errors hidden in the answer sheets. The identified errors were classified into seven categories as described by Newman and Clements then frequency of each type of errors were tabulated. From the tabulated data total percentage of each type of error were calculated. The seven categories of the errors were reading error, comprehension error, transformation error,process skill error, encoding error, motivation error and carelessness error. The study revealed that student had committed number of errors on solving verbal problems in simultaneous linear equations. The concentration of errors was seen on the transformation and encoding of the problem. The data show that student had felt difficulty in verbal problems. The implication that can be derived from this study is that the linguistic aspects of mathematics are all too often overlooked by the teachers and students.