Socio-Economic Impact of Micro Hydro Project in Solukhumbu (A Case Study of Dudu Khola Micro Hydro Power System Lokhim VDC, Solukhunbu District)

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Department of Rural Development
Micro hydro- power, which is abundant in the numerous streams and rivers of the remote areas of Nepal. Nepal has been put to use for agro- processing activities through the use of modern turbine technology. Several studies have been conducted to check the viability of the technology, Solar, mill services, operational and maintenance issues as well as performance evaluation of rural lighting programs, income generation promoting the community ownership of MHP and the mills, prospects in the past. A review of some of the past studies has been made in this study to up-date the past information available. Although many areas were covered by this studies, there still remain enough areas for investigations especially when questions like who are the real beneficiaries and why have to be answered. Here, Micro-Hydro Project is in Lokhim VDC of Solukhumbu District. Solukhumbudistric lies in the Sagarmatha Zone. Eastern Development Region of Nepal. It is one of the mountainous regions with full of slope terrain and cultivated land. The MHP Project is situated at about 1043m about AMSL. The nearest road head are at Jiri and Okhaldhunga. It takes about 3 days walk for normal and about 5 days for loaded porter to reach the MHP Project location. Geologically, MHP Project is predominated by Sedimentary and Metamorphic rock consisting of shade, mudstone and limestone. MHP project lies on the left bank of DuduKhola. The bank of the Khola is also strong and stable. The total length of the headrace canal is about 575 meters. There are about 737 households in Lokhim VDC. The number of households are beneficiary area is 520.There are different ethnic groups located in that area like Rai, Tamang, Sherpa, Dalits, Kami etc. The study has helped answer some of the main questions raised during the inception of the study. The answer are presented in the different chapters. I believe that the study will make an useful contribution towards taking up necessary actions by concerned and involved agencies and project partners in future with an aim to maximize benefits to the rural communities in general and rural poor in particular residing in the remote areas of Nepal.