Role of Women's Empowerment on Agriculture Development : A Case Study of Surunga VDC Jhapa District

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Department of Rural Development
This research was conducted role of women's empowerment on agriculture development of Surunga VDC Jhapa, district. The general objective of this study is to trace out "empowerment on agriculture development." Similarly, the specific objective of the study is to access the change in women's livelihood due to commercial agriculture productivity. The general object of this study is women's work and economic contribution tend to be viewed. Similarly the specific objective of the study is to assess the change women's livelihood. Women in this district are basically confined to be homestead due to culture, religious and social conditions. Rular women and breaking through the traditional norms and coming forward to participate in the development activities outside their homestead. Presently ruler women in Jhapa an anchoring role in the management of their families as well as participation in different income generation activitries like crop production livestock, poultry and aquaculture etc. Indegent women especially household occasionally work outside the home as paid labour for their family survival. Women have successfully barded their roles from those of domestic to productive. Majority of the respondents mentioned that they have saved income earned from different sector of farming and the respondents also mentioned that they have their own wonder ship in saved money. Majority of the respondent controlled their income them self. This agriculture has increased women's access to and control over resources. It also increased social reputation, decision making power, organizational activities and exposure visits. In aggregate have empowered then significantly women were found empowered socially technically and economically through the husbandry.