Traditional Continuity and Change in Gurhi

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Department of English
The thesis entitled "Traditional Continuity and Change in Gurhi" explores the impacts of modernization and the other neighbouring cultures in Tharu community. It studies the continuity and change of the Gurhi ritual and explores how cultural assimilation, globalization, modernization, and development of science and technology affect the Gurhi festival, especially for the new generation. The objective of this study is to show how cultural hybridity is going to be dominant among the Tharu people. To support the idea, the notions of performance by Elizabeth Bell, Richard Schechner, Victor Turner, and the notions of cultural hybridity by Homi K Bhabha, Chris Barker, and Bill Ashcroft et al. are used as theoretical tools. However, Tharus have adopted some traits of other Nepali cultures and global culture in terms of dress, language, festivals, and rituals as well as the impacts of information and technology, they have also managed to conserve and promote some tribal cultural patterns of their own cultural identity.