Faculty publication management system is an integrated web application software that allows administrators to effectively manage all the faculty publications from record keeping to publication data analytics and visualization. Faculty evaluation system is also a part of the system that allows administrators to evaluate faculty members, lecturers and professors. This report presents design and development of the systems. Due to absence of a unified faculty publication management system, research publications of faculty members were spread across various research publication sites like GoogleScholar, ReserachGate, IEEE, etc and it became a tedious task for administrators to keep track of publications and generate associated reports for administrative purposes. Our system scrapes all the relevant data from such websites and presents user with a unified system to add, edit, approve, search, sort and generate reports of such publications as per faculty members or departments. The system additionally allows a user to perform data analytics and visualizations with bar chart and pie chart of research publications across faculty members and even specific departments. Later, the system uses the publication data of faculty members along with other evaluation metrics like years of service and objective feedback form data provided by students for evaluation of the user. Also, title based clustering of faculty members help to create clusters of members with similar research areas.
Faculty publication management system is an integrated web application software that allows administrators to effectively manage all the faculty publications from record keeping to publication data analytics and visualization. Faculty evaluation system is also a part of the system that allows administrators to evaluate faculty members, lecturers and professors. This report presents design and development of the systems.