The use of facebook in english language learning

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Department of English Education
This present study is on The Use of Facebook in English Language Learning. The main objectives of this study wasto find out the role of on students language learning and to suggest some pedagogical implications on the basis of the study. I used survey research design. The required data were collected using both open and close ended questionnaire. The total sample size was fifty students from five different higher secondary school insideKathmandu valley I adopted non-random sampling procedure. The data werequantitative and qualitative obtained from the questionnaire. The result ofquestionnaire showed that majorityof the students i.e. 98% use Facebook.They use Facebook for various purposes like chatting, uploading photos,entertainment and even they use Facebook for language learning. By there spondents it came to know that Facebook has crucial role in language learning. This thesis consists of five chapters.The first chapter consists of background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions,significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definitionsof key terms. The second chapter deals with the review of related theoreticalliterature, review of empirical literature, implications of the study and conceptual framework. The third chapter deals with design of the study,population sample and sampling strategy, research tools, source of data, data collection procedures, data analysis and ethical considerations. The fourth chapter consists of analysis of data and interpretation of results. The fifth chapter consists of findings, conclusion and recommendations.Recommendation have been presented in policy level, practice level and further research. The final part of study consists of references and appendices.