Strategies used by primary level teachers in teaching writing skills

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Department of English Education
The thesis entitled Strategies Used by Primary Level Teachers in Teaching Writing Skills is intended to discover the strategies used by teachers in ELT classroom at primary level. It is a survey research. Twenty teachers who were teaching English in Rupandehi district were selected using purposive non-random sampling procedure. A questionnaire containing the close - ended questions and class observation checklist were used as the tools for data collection. From the analysis and interpretations of the collected data, it was found that some of the techniques were used most frequently and some of the techniques were used less frequently. Among them drill, complete word and sentence and answer question techniques were most frequently used. Pair work, role play and project work techniques were used less frequently. Most of the teachers stated that teaching writing is necessary at primary level. Likewise, teachers training is also most important for teaching writing at primary level. This study has been divided into five chapters. Chapter one includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. Chapter two deals with the review of theoretical literature, review of related empirical literature, implications of the review and conceptual framework. Chapter three deals with methods and procedures of the study, design and method the study, population, sample and sampling strategy, study area, data collection tools and techniques, data collection procedures and data analysis and interpretation procedures. Chapter four deals with the analysis and interpretation of the results and summary of findings. Chapter five consists of conclusion and recommendations. Recommendations are made on policy related, practice related and further research related area of application. The appendices and references are given in the final part of the thesis.