Search for Self in Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise

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Department of English
The present research work is a critical study of F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise from existential perspective. This work basically focuses on Amory's struggle, as well as others like Beatric, Clara, Rosalind etc. for true self by the will and effort Beatric, disregarding traditional norms, takes a great decision to give bequathment for Church and Rosalind, using our conscience of freedom, chooses Dawson Ryder to marry, though she plays the game of love with Amory. Clara, as Rosalind, plays the same game with Amory but she does not submiss her true self in the hand of any man and stay alone which is not for other reasons but for to gain her own self. On the other hand, Amory tastes luxurious and travel life in the beginning and starts his struggles from St. Pre-School which hurls him to drunkard life for his identity that he cannot gain until the end of this novel. At last, therefore, he sets out towards Princeton further to seek his existential self.