A study of classroom interaction at higher secondary level

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Department of English Education
This thesis entitled "A Study of Classroom Interaction at Higher Secondary Level" was carried out to find out some of the basic features of classroom interaction. The main objective of the study was to find out the existing situation of classroom interaction at higher secondary level English classes. To fulfill the set objectives of the study, survey research was conducted. The researcher observed forty classes of ten higher secondary English teachers and five hundred students from the 11 and 12 classes and took notes. After analyzing the data it was found that the most of the classroom interactions were initiated by the teachers and those conversations were formulaic and based on rote learning. This thesis consists of five chapters: The first chapter is introductory in nature. It introduces classroom interaction in general. It also includes, statement of the problem, rationale of the study, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. The second chapter deals with the review of related literature, implications of review of the study and theoretical and conceptual framework. Similarly, the third chapter deals with the methods and procedures of the study, design of the study, population and sample, sampling procedures, data collection tools, data collection procedures and data analysis and interpretation procedures. After that, the fourth chapter deals with results and discussions/interpretation and the last chapter deals with summary, conclusions, implications in policy level, practice level and further research followed by references and appendices.