Malaria Situation in Somdiha V.D.Cof Kapilvastu District

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Department of Zoology
This study entitled“Malaria Situation in Somdiha V.D.C of KapilvastuDistrict"was started with an aim to explore malaria cases and attitudes andbehaviours of the local people of the study area regarding malaria. A total of 290blood samples were collected in the month of April-September 2008 and examined.Out of the total samples examined,18were detected positive for malaria parasite; allcases were ofP. vivax. Regarding sex-wise distribution of malaria parasites, 14 cases(8.05%) were found among males and 4 ( 3.45%) among females. Age-wisedistribution of malaria infection revealed the highest positivity ( 10.76%) in the age-group 21-30 years followed by6.25% in the age group 11-20 years and no case inthe age group 10 years and above 51 years. According to ward-wise distribution ofmalaria infection the highest cases was recorded in ward-No 7(13.95%), lowest casesin ward-No 4(2.32%) and no positivityin ward-No 1, 2, 5 and 6. The prevalence ofmalaria infection was found be the highest among people who do not use bed-netsand are not aware of the disease. During the study period it had been noted thatpeople often use smoke of dung cake, khar, leaf of Sekhuwa and black beery to avoidmosquito biting.Study suggests that public awareness programme and distribution ofinsecticide impregnated mosquito nets to the key group of people is a currentrequirement to minimize the probable malaria cases.