The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary through Context

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Department of English Education
This thesis is an attempt to find out the‘EffectivenessofTeaching VocabularyThrough Context’. It has been carried out practically and comparatively. In orderto carry out the research, forty students of grade eightfrom government school ofParsa district were selected as sample population. A test consisting of six differenttest itemswasthe main tool for data collection. A pre-test was administered beforereal teaching to determine the proficiency of the students. Thenthey were dividedinto two groups viz. experimental and controlled group on the basis of the odd-evenroll number according to the individual scoreobtained in the pre-test. Afterdividing them into two groups, both groups weretaughtthe same subject matterusing the same materials. The only difference between group 'A' and 'B' was thatvarious contexts were used to teach vocabulary for group 'A' and the usualtechniques were used to teach vocabulary for group 'B'. After the completion ofthe teaching for overamonth, a post-test (the same pre-test) was given. Then theresult of both pre-test and post-test were compared to determine the effectives oftwo techniques.It was found that as a whole, group 'A' performed better thangroup 'B'.Teaching vocabulary through context was more effective in comparisonto other techniques such as translation explanation, enumeration, etc. The thesis consists of four chapters. Each chapter is divided into different sub-sections. The first chapter deals with generalbackground of the study, review ofthe literature, objectives and significance of the study. The second chapter dealswith the methodology. It encompasses sources of data, population of study,sampling procedure, research tools, process of data collectionand limitations ofthe study. The third chapter deals withtheanalysis and interpretation of the data. Itcomprises analysis, interpretation and comparison of data on various approachessuch as holistic comparison,group wise comparison and itemwise comparison.The fourth chapter includes the findings and recommendations.