Challenges Faced by Bantawa Learners Learning English as a Foreign Language

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Department of English Education
This research study entitled, Challenges Faced By Bantawa Learners Learning English As A Foreign Language has been prepared to find out the challenges of the Bantawa students in learning EFL and their causes in class 10 of Bhojpur District. As secondary sources of data some books and journals were consulted. Specially, Mitchell and Myles (2004), Asher (1994) and Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics (2002, vol-14,vol-22,vol-28) were consulted. The Bantawa students and secondary English teachers were the primary sources of data. The researcher used judgmental sampling procedure to sample the population. The questionnaire, observation form and unstructured oral interview were used as research tools for data collection.questionnaire was prepared for two groups of informants, that is students and teachers The study has found that the Bantawa learners of ELT are facing several challenges related to; physical facilities, improper class management, teaching materials, text book, interest of the Bantawa learners, comprehension of Bantawa learners, mother tongue, teaching techniques and methods, home- work and evaluation system. Moreover, the study has discovered that above mentioned challenges are created due to; poor economic condition of school, lack of enough exposure in English, lack of interest of the Bantawa students to learn English, governments policy, willingness of DEO/School and the society, etc. This thesis comprises four chapters. The first one deals with the introduction of the topic in which general background, and several sub-topics have been included, such as languages in Nepal: a brief overview, English and its position in Nepal, Present status of English in institutional area, a glimpse of Bantawa language, multilingualism and Bantawa learners, second language or foreign language. It also includes review of the related literature, objectives and significance of the study.Chapter two covers all the areas of methodology, dealing with the sources of data, sample population, sampling procedure, tools of data collection, process of data collection and limitations of the study.Chapter three deals with the analysis and interpretation of the collected data using different sorts charts, diagrams and figures. Likewise,chapter four aims to present the findings and recommendations of the study for the purpose of improving the concerned domains. Suggestions have been included in this part.